Magic Medicine🌱
We love our infusions here at home. Here we have some fresh dill + lemon - who by the way compliment each other nicely.
Some of dill’s virtues include : warming + clearing the stomach of gas; easing colic, hiccups, nausea + vomiting; strengthening the kidneys; easing back pain, stiffness, diarrhea, impotence; easing the passing of stones; calms the mind; promotes sleep; moves the Qi, warms + promotes menstruation, increases milk production, resolves swellings.. to name a few! Who knew this little herb could be so powerful 🌱
And lemons, these babies are jam packed with nutrients we may all be familiar with, but did you know that they too aid the kidneys naturally by treating and preventing stones due to the high levels of citrate they embody?! In addition, if you follow the alkaline diet (as I do 😋) you may already know that lemon water alkalizes the body! This is an important note, especially if you understand that the more acidic your body is, the more you are inviting toxins to linger and thrive. A highly alkaline body is inhospitable to disease. Disease cannot survive in an alkaline (or highly) alkaline body, ergo diseases don’t stand a chance of survival if you adhere to this very strict vegan diet. Which, trust me, ain’t easy unless you cook EVERYTHING you eat. That said, it’s definitely worth considering even if only for a week, simply to see and feel the transformation that can take place in a short period of time... but that’s a journal entry for another day 😋😉😏
Make and create your own combinations too! We use what we have available in the garden, the fridge or whatever is
Cheers! And consider this drink as a refreshing + healthy option - can be heated too! - benefits remain the same and the warm option allows the body to process with the quickness + great ease✨🌱✨